Stem Cell Research Could Help CKD patients

When renal disease begins to limit the amount of work your kidneys can do on their own, you have to take steps to maintain the kidney function you have left. For most people, that means making changes to eating habits, taking medication, and following medical advice. And you may even need to consider the possibility of dialysis treatments later on.

But what if there was a better option than just treating the symptoms of renal disease and failing kidney function? What if there was a way to regrow a kidney or trigger the body to repair a kidney damaged by renal disease? These are questions that a team of researchers are on a quest to find answers  to using stem cell research.

In a recent study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, researchers made an important discovery. They were able to use skin cells from human adults and a cocktail of chemicals to activate kidney cells in mice. The process appears to mirror kidney cell growth and activity during embryonic development.

The long-term goal for this team of stem cell researchers is to figure out how to trigger the human body to regenerate a kidney or repair damaged kidney tissue. More research is needed, but the findings have the potential to positively impact quality of life and longevity for those with renal disease.

Until clinical trials are completed and approved, you'll need to manage renal disease in more traditional ways. In addition to medication and advice from your doctor, managing your diet is critical to protecting remaining kidney function when you have renal disease. That means you should limit the amount of salt, potassium, phosphorus, and protein in your diet.

Making big changes to your diet to manage renal disease might seem hard. But it doesn't have to be. Just take a look at our selection of Renal-Diet entrees and side dishes. Pick you favorites, place an order, and we'll deliver right to your front door. In minutes, you can enjoy a hot meal made from fresh ingredients that matches your dietary needs when you have renal disease.