6 Healthy-Eating Tips for Older Adults


It’s no secret your diet and nutrition needs change over time. For example, maybe you hated broccoli when you were a kid, but now you love it. As an older adult, you have your own unique nutritional needs.

Want to improve your diet and your health?

Check out these 6 healthy diet tips for seniors:

1. Drink more water

How much should you drink? It depends on your bodyweight, activity level, and where you live. If you live in a hot climate, you might need to drink more.

For most adults, drinking at least 64 ounces of water per day is a good goal. Drinking water will help you stay hydrated and support brain function, movement, digestion, your immune system, and more.

2. Spice things up

Older adults are more likely to develop high blood pressure. It’s one reason to avoid or limit processed foods high in sodium or grabbing the salt shaker to season your food.

Want to add a little more flavor to your food? Use dried herbs and spices like basil, oregano, and parsley.

3. Eat fresh

Planning your next meal? Eat fresh whenever possible. Most of your food should come from:

● Fruits

● Vegetables

● Whole grains

● Legumes

● Lean meats

● Low-fat dairy products

Avoid or limit foods high in calories but low in nutritional value. This can include foods high in sugar, saturated fat and sodium (like fast food, pizza, burgers, and fries).

4. Read food labels

Are you getting the vitamins and nutrients your body needs? Many older adults have lower levels of calcium, vitamin D and fiber.

Read food labels, and look for nutrient-dense foods to improve your health. If you think you’re not getting enough nutrients from food, ask your doctor or nutritionist for help.

A simple blood test can identify nutritional deficiencies you can fix with better food choices and supplements.

5. Keep your food safe

Do you finish a meal and head to the couch to watch TV, leaving the leftovers on the counter?

Do you have a picnic and leave all the food sitting out after you’re done eating?

Do you keep food around, even after the expiration date?

If you answered “yes,” to any of these questions, it’s time for a change.

Food left out at room temperature or hot weather can develop bacteria that can make you sick. And food past the expiration date may not be safe to eat.

6. Enjoy eating with family and friends

OK, so enjoying a meal with family and friends may not have any nutritional benefits. But it’s good for your mental health and happiness. Talk, laugh, tell stories, and enjoy a meal together.

If you live far away, you could still eat together over a video call.

Not sure how to start a healthy diet for seniors? Check out these Senior-Friendly meals all made from fresh ingredients and ready to eat in minutes.