8 Benefits of Exercise to Manage Renal Disease


Eat this, not that. Avoid or limit phosphorus, potassium, sodium, protein, and fluids.

When you have renal disease there’s a lot of things you need to change to protect your health.

The main reason for all this...keep the kidney function you have left and avoid complications. And while there are a lot of things you need to limit or avoid, there’s at least one thing that can help you.

Regular exercise. 

When you make regular exercise part of your daily habits to help you manage renal disease, it comes with some amazing benefits, including:

  1. Increase muscular strength
  2. Improve energy levels
  3. Support heart health
  4. Manage blood pressure
  5. Lower the risk for diabetes
  6. Control blood sugar levels
  7. Prevent anxiety and depression
  8. Maintain a healthy weight

How much should you exercise and at what intensity level?

When you have renal disease, regular exercise is important. But you have to avoid overdoing it. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity per day. Exercise can include:

  • Stretching or mobility exercises to improve flexibility and range of motion. Pick a pose and hold a stretch for 30 seconds to a minute. Then release. Avoid bouncing while you stretch.
  • Strength training exercises to build muscle strength and endurance. Examples including, lifting weights, using weight machines, doing bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, and more.
  • Cardio-style exercise to support your heart and lungs, like walking, jogging, or cycling.

Regular exercise is important for people with renal disease. And so is your diet. With renal disease, it’s important to avoid potassium, phosphorus, sodium, protein, and excess fluids.

Want a little help following a Renal-Friendly diet? Check out the complete menu of meals, specifically prepared by a team of professional chefs and a nutritionist.