How to Lower Blood Pressure WITHOUT Medication


How to Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication

What if your blood pressure is elevated or high? Your risk goes up for a heart attack or stroke.

If you’re overweight or obese (that’s about 74 percent of all adults in the U.S.) AND you have diabetes, you probably have elevated or high blood pressure.

In fact, about 85 percent of people with type 2 diabetes need help keeping blood pressure under control.

The standard treatment: Take blood pressure medication. 

You know the routine...The medication helps lower your blood pressure, but there’s a long list of potential side effects.

What if there was a better way to control blood pressure without popping pills?

New research suggests following a calorie-controlled diet to promote weight loss can eliminate the need for medication.

In a University of Glasgow study, researchers followed 143 overweight/obese people with diabetes and high blood pressure. 

Participants followed a low-calorie diet (around 825-850 calories per day) for 12 to 20 weeks.

And it worked. They lost weight. But that wasn’t the only benefit. 

  • Within 12 months, 46 percent were able to reverse diabetes. 
  • Within two years, 28 percent no longer needed medication to control blood pressure.

What should you eat to limit calories, manage diabetes, AND control blood pressure?

Eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean meats. Drink plenty of water. 

And eat less high-sodium foods and fewer calorie-dense foods like sweet treats, desserts, and foods made from refined carbohydrates.

You could do it the hard way. You know...give your menu a makeover, clean out your fridge and pantry. Then head to the grocery store to stock up on fresh and healthy foods, and spend hours in the kitchen cooking.

Or keep it simple. Choose your favorite meals made from fresh ingredients from the Diabetic-Friendly menu, and leave the rest to us.