How to Reduce Bloating After You Eat


It happens all too often – you eat a delicious meal only to experience discomfort and bloating a few minutes afterward. Bloating can be a significantly uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptom, but it is preventable with a few lifestyle changes and healthy habits. Here are our top 4 ways to avoid bloating after eating.

Keep Track of When You Feel Bloated

Bloating can be a symptom of food intolerances, sensitivities, or allergies. Keep a food diary and write down what you eat and when you feel bloated. You may notice a pattern with certain food groups, such as dairy or nightshade vegetables. Once you have a list of suspicious foods, eliminate them from your diet and see how you feel. Then, re-introduce them one by one and take note if the bloating comes back.

Watch Your Fiber Intake

We're often told to include more fiber into our diets, but overdoing it on the fiber intake can lead to digestive discomfort and bloating. If you're trying to increase your fiber intake, do it gradually, and make sure to drink more water as well. Too much fiber without enough water intake can lead to constipation and gas.

Eat Slowly

If you tend to finish your plate within a few minutes, it could be causing your bloating. When we eat quickly, we swallow more air with each bite, which causes gas buildup in the digestive system and bloating. Put your fork down between bites and make sure you're chewing your food properly before swallowing it.

Move Your Body

When you don't move your body for an extended period, the food you just ate also doesn't move as quickly through your digestive system. Gas can get trapped and cause the discomfort you feel when you're bloated. Going for a relaxing walk after meals can aid digestion and reduce bloating.

Bloating is a normal feeling that most people experience, but that doesn't mean we need to deal with it! With these few tips, you should feel more at ease after mealtime and reduce digestive discomfort.