Summer Party Planning Tips to Manage Renal Disease


Ready to cut loose and enjoy a party? It’s a tradition of summer to get together with friends, enjoy good food and drinks, and spend time outdoors. But when you have renal disease, there are a few things you have to keep in mind to stay healthy. Here are some diet planning tips for CKD patients.

Like your diet, for example. You need to limit the amount of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein in your diet, to protect the remaining kidney function you have left.

What else should you know about managing renal disease when you planning a party this summer?

Stay hydrated, but don’t overdo it

You may need to drink slightly more water than normal during hot-weather. But when you have renal disease, you still need to limit the amount of water you drink. Talk to your healthcare team about how much is OK. If you’re feeling thirsty, before you gulp down more water, here are some other ways to satisfy your thirst:

  • Suck on a slice of lemon or lime
  • Use smaller cups when you do have a drink
  • Eat a piece of frozen fruit as it unthaws
  • Brush your teeth or use mouthwash
  • Eat sugar-free hard candy or gum
  • Try crushed ice

Apply sunscreen

Many people with renal disease take medications that increase the risk for skin cancer caused by sun exposure. But you still need some vitamin D from the sun. And summer wouldn’t be summer without a little time outdoors. When you do go out, use sunscreen (SPF-15 rating or higher), and cover up. Wear loose fitting pants, long-sleeves and wide-brimmed hat whenever possible.

Use phosphorus binders

It’s no secret that a night out with friends or picnic dinner is going to include foods that you might not normally eat. And you can’t always tell by just looking at a side dish or entree, what’s in it. So be prepared. Use phosphorus binders before you go to a summer party with food, to prevent absorbing too much.

Avoid or limit alcohol

There are two reasons you’ll want to avoid or limit alcohol. First, it’s an empty-calorie source that can lead to weight gain. Second, it’s a liquid that may also contain phosphorus and potassium. Two minerals you should limit to protect your health when you have renal disease. Need a drink? Go for water, and see “stay hydrated” above.

If you’re hosting a party this summer or bringing food to a get-together, consider bringing something from our Renal-Friendly menu that you can eat, and everyone will enjoy.

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