Gluten-free Meal Bundle - 8 Meals (4 Meals for Two)

Gluten-free Meal Bundle - 8 Meals (4 Meals for Two)

Pkg 2 Svg $215.99
Pkg 4 Svg $432.99
No Dssrt 2 Svg $186.99
No Dssrt 4 Svg $374.99

This gluten-free bundle of meals has been hand-picked for those who are sensitive to gluten. You have the option to buy 2 servings or 4 servings of this bundle. We use the following criteria to determine if our products should be listed here: list. Order this gluten-free home delivery meal bundle online today!
*Note: Some items in this bundle require cooking in the oven. Those are marked with an (RC).

Bundle Description

  1. Chicken and Artichoke with Spinach (RC), Mashed Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts
  2. Cream of Mushroom Soup, Fresh Cut Corn Medley
  3. BBQ Sliced Beef Brisket, Rosemary Potatoes
  4. Chicken Ana Luisa (RC), Buttered Carrots, Mashed Sweet Potatoes
  1. Panna Cotta - a double serving